A racing kayak made out of recycled carbon fibre
Release Time:2016-07-22 Click: Second Edit:zdcfrp.com
A team of academics is creating a high performance racing kayak out of recycled carbon fibre and entering the International Canoe Race this Easter.
¡¡¡¡Dr Gary Leeke, who is based at the department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, is leading a team of scientists and engineers to make a kayak out of fibre reinforced composite materials, which is believed to be a world first.
¡¡¡¡Composites are very difficult to recycle and the team at the University of Birmingham has developed a technique using a process called solvolysis. They have created a material from recycled composites, which is as strong as the original, unmodified material.
¡¡¡¡The material has been created to illustrate that composites can be recycled and used in manufacturing processes with industry. Recycled composites could have a large part to play in the future of manufacturing within industries such as automotive, renewable energy and construction.
¡¡¡¡Dr Gary Leeke, who is based at the department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, is leading a team of scientists and engineers to make a kayak out of fibre reinforced composite materials, which is believed to be a world first.
¡¡¡¡Composites are very difficult to recycle and the team at the University of Birmingham has developed a technique using a process called solvolysis. They have created a material from recycled composites, which is as strong as the original, unmodified material.
¡¡¡¡The material has been created to illustrate that composites can be recycled and used in manufacturing processes with industry. Recycled composites could have a large part to play in the future of manufacturing within industries such as automotive, renewable energy and construction.